Yearly Archives: 2012

Wade Davis, Anthropologist/Ethnobotanist

Wade Davis, man, author, explorer and all-around genius inspires students of world culture and history like no one else.

His new book, “The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World” speaks to the immense perplexities of language and culture loss in our ever-globalizing world of snowballing assimilation.

Visit him here to learn more about the man and his amazing vision:


Wade Davis, Anthropologist/Ethnobotanist Information, Facts, News, Photos — National Geographic.

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Cabaire, LLC., New Company Inspires American Transportation Breakthrough

The environmental and economic woes of commerce associated with truck driving (i.e. EVERYTHING) are perhaps most pronounced during times of idling. During the hours that truck drivers rest from their arduous non-stop driving, many are left with few options for comfort. This, ultimately results in their trucks running throughout the night to supply them with an air conditioned cabin.

While it’s easy for most to shake a finger at these road laborers for their overnight continuous use of diesel fuel, we must first remember how hard it can be to sleep without proper air flow. Heat makes us uncomfortable and in turn, it’s difficult to sleep. Truckers and over-the-roaders are no different than the rest of us, in spite of their seemingly coarse exteriors.

While watching this week’s episode of Motorweek on PBS, I was so surprised to see Cabaire, LLC. It’s this revolutionary new way of transcending the woes of overnight diesel idling.

According to the episode, which aired 4-28-2012, the new technology, which pumps fresh, cool air into the truck’s cabin, offsets 44,000 gallons of diesel fuel annually (per cabaire station). Today, diesel fuel costs around $4.00. With that said, that translates to $176,000/year in fuel savings for one of America’s most important economic staples:  transportation of goods.

It goes without saying that this aspect of the global economy is not long for this world. Much, MUCH improvement is still needed to offset our current demands on nonrenewables.

Check out the Cabaire movement that’s beginning to sweep the nation one truck at a time.

And, if YOU’RE a trucker, see where you can take advantage of this new technology. The proof is in the pudding!!!

Source: Motorweek, WUCF PBS, Episode 1209, 4/28/2012.

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Siberian Tigers: A Short Environmental Profile

  1. HABITAT DESTRUCTION – In an article from Science Daily, we learn that “India was once considered the greatest stronghold for tigers, [yet] recent reports [have them] completely disappearing from some of their core tiger reserves”.  In previous works, I did research about noise pollution in the country of India.  Unfortunately, sound waves travel much further than perhaps we’d like, which in turn, drives animals further away, and gives way for humans to further develop even more land.  A non-stop cycle, this is a form of habitat destruction/loss that fuels its own perpetual motion.  In a similar fashion, I can confidently say that the Siberian Tigers that we observed in the National Geographic Special were probably driven to the Eastern portion of Russia as a result of the country’s industrialization further inland to the West.


    INVASIVE SPECIES/POPULATION – Unconventional as it may be, perhaps it’s relevant to think of our own species as being invasive towards the Siberian Tigers, especially in terms of habitat loss.


    POLLUTION – Pollution and environmental irregularity contributes to global warming and unpredictable weather patterns.  Many of the world’s colder regions (like the one “our” tigers call home) are experiencing changes including glacial melting and longer, hotter summers.  This in turn, gives a longer season to pests like mosquitoes, ticks and other parasites that can carry diseases not only to tigers, but to us as well.


    OVERHARVESTING – Sadly, tigers have been the victims of poachers seeking their valuable furs for eons.  Pointless.  Hunters also have a long running obsession with killing the great beasts.  Unfortunately, these men have somehow, some way come to believe that killing an animal with a machine is a reflection of greatness.  I, ironically, have never heard of anyone actually eating a tiger!



    Description of species requiring special attention


    ENDANGERED/THREATENED – The Siberian Tiger is currently considered threatened.  There are merely hundreds of them in totality.  I guess this would technically be considered endangered.


    KEYSTONE – Although few in numbers, if the Siberian Tiger disappeared today (knock on wood), researchers of the area would certainly notice a significant difference from yesterday’s biosphere.  The tiger’s primal nature is evident from the video we watched in class.  Prey would definitely run amuck following its decline.


    INDICATOR – We learned from the video that the Siberian Tiger’s paws have developed “robust” paws that act as snow shoes in the Siberian snow.  If we spotted one inland, perhaps where there was no snowfall,  we could very well say that its large paws are indicative of an animal that lives in a snowy region.  (not to mention it’s coloration!)


    UMBRELLA – A single tiger requires a very large amount of territory to call its own.  I remember the video saying that the two “captive” tigers were given something like 6 acres just between the two of them!


    FLAGSHIP – These tigers are absolutely beautiful.  This is apparent in how many worldwide organizations are willing to contribute time, money and effort into its protection.  I don’t see people doing this for endangered species of ants or even certain plants!  Shame shame!

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Florida is a Haven for Invasive Species

  1.         Florida is particularly vulnerable to invasive species for several reasons.  Perhaps most relevant is the fact that its peninsular shape acts like an island of sorts for biological life forms.  The island concept is essentially that the peninsula of Florida is of course surrounded by water, but is also predominately more warm than the further inland states to the cooler north.  Hence, plants, insects and the like are more likely to stay “this side of the border”.  In keeping with this warmer climate is the fact that we Floridians rarely experience freezing temperatures, which also lends greatly to the survival rate of pesky invasive species.   Other key factors in Florida’s susceptibility include concentrated amounts of human activity.  Because our state’s many sites attract not only national tourists, but tourists from other countries as well, the likelihood of foreign (and eventually invasive!) species is raised tenfold.  Attractions and tourisms aside, human presence in general heightens the amount of various materials being trekked from place to place and area to area as well.  This creates a kind of “anything is possible” type biosphere.  Interesting!

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DNA Testing is New Liposuction

DNA Testing is New Liposuction


by Spencer Johnston

DNA is essentially the voluminous instruction manual for the genetic material of animals.  So, it makes sense that skipping to the ending or the good parts could be tempting, confusing and perhaps most importantly, misleading.




Genetic testing is attractive to the field of science as well as individuals for a number of reasons.  For scientists, it’s kind of like the holy grail.  Being able to pin down such biologically important information is powerful and would no doubt create instant success for those professionals involved.  Because of the revealing aspects of genetic testing concerning one’s present and future health concerns, many individuals yearn for their respective results.

While this all seems very intriguing, the science of DNA testing is a bit more cloudy than clear.  The technology can be very useful to individuals with a greater hereditary risk of certain diseases and health problems, through indications of genetic alterations.  “However, a genetic alteration might only indicate susceptibility to or a high risk of developing a disease, but not the certainty of having it” (Di Pietro, Giuli, Spagnolo).  So, DNA tests can be inaccurate in terms of predicting one’s future health concerns, which is the primary reason for their existence.

Because the decision to market the at-home versions has largely been retracted, serious problems have been avoided.  For instance, if such inaccuracies are present in an actual laboratory, without the presence of doctors and medical professionals, the results would close to worthless in terms of accuracy.  “Human error will almost certainly be a contributor
to such undesirable outcomes” (R. Latino).

Ethically speaking, much of the world is strictly divided on the issue of DNA testing.  Personally, I feel as though traditional medicine is perfectly capable of detecting health risks and concerns as long as the respective individual does what’s necessary to stay informed about their health.  Personal responsibility is by far the most important factor in lifestyle and related health concerns.  There is perhaps a correlation between those that are unwilling to care for themselves and those who see DNA testing as a feasible alternative to periodical medical checkups; a sort of one time fix-all.

In short, I’m not interested in such technology as a means of understanding my future health concerns.  Human life is a finite, mixed bag of experiences that are unique to all life forms.  While the debate as to whether or not human life is more valuable than that of other animals and living things is as strong as ever among religion, science and human rights arenas, there is no doubt in my mind that there is something special going on inside of each and every one of us.  Because we have the ability to produce outstanding technology is not reason enough to exploit it.  In this way, I would relate DNA testing to fracture drilling.  The decision by private companies and coercing from the FDA have ultimately amounted to the de-utilization of this technology and the downward spiral that would inevitably ensue following its widespread adoption.




Di Pietro, M.L., Giuli, A., Spagnolo, A.G.  “Ethical implications of predictive DNA testing
for hereditary breast cancer”.  Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.  Rome, Italy. 2004.

Latino, Robert J.  “Cost & Truths of Human Error”.  Hopewell, Virginia.  January, 2008. 


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The Albin Polasek Museum and Sculpture Gardens

Polasek Museum
An essay by Spencer B. Johnston
I had never been to the Polasek Museum, even though I live within a few short blocks of it.  In fact, I drive past its entrance several times a day since I moved to Winter Park, Florida a year ago.  In all that time, I never even noticed the sign!  However, one day that all changed when I was watching television.  An older gentleman appeared on Antiques Roadshow with a pretty impressive bust of a child.  He explained that his parents had been friends with a talented artist named Polasek.  As a gift to the then young boy’s parents, he sculpted a magnificent bust of the young man.  When the art appraiser began to tell about Polasek, he didn’t hesitate to mention the artist’s retirement home of Winter Park, Florida.  It was a natural choice for me to visit the Polasek Museum when I learned of this assignment and I relished in an excuse to get out and enjoy a cultural experience practically in my wife and I’s own backyard.
Upon entering the museum’s meticulously landscaped grounds, I was greeted by a sign informing me that a special gallery was on display featuring local artists’ work.  The event was dubbed The Winter Park Paint Out.  The entire gallery was landscape portraits with acrylics on canvas.  Appropriately enough, the dazzling visual art paid homage entirely to The Polasek Museum’s outer courtyard and I soon discovered that the only thing that could compare to the vibrant colors’ pop inside the building was their inspiration outside.
My favorite of these locally painted pieces included Jackie Schindehette’s “Wasserman Pond”, which depicts familiarly mysterious brush alongside the body of water.  This painting represents a fear of the unknown that I frequently experience on outings to Rock Springs, the beach or virtually anywhere that could have critters lurking around.  Linda Blondheims “Vegetable Garden” contains vibrant colors that aren’t traditionally found in nature (until you walk outside to see the beautiful scene in person).  Elisabeth Farber’s “Park and Morse” is a vision of citizens of Winter Park’s culture, as well as many of our daily downtown traffic commutes.
The visual representation of The Polasek Museum’s outdoor area on canvas is pretty amazing.  But, for me there was nothing like being there and experiencing it first-hand.  Down the winding sidewalks and trails of the lakefront property is a collection of rare and beautiful flowers, plants, cacti and just like the painting, there’s even a real vegetable garden.  It’s unclear to me whether or not this was strictly ornamental or not, but it’s nice to know that if the volunteer staff at the museum ever have to work through lunch, a not-too-bad substitute is only a stone’s throw away.  I was very impressed by many plants I’ve never seen, and I consider myself a plant savvy person.  It seemed really neat to ‘grow’ art, rather than to create it.  I feel like that was a great way to expand by speaking to a broader audience.
Intertwined in flawless landscaping, Polasek’s better known sculptures chicken pox the area, pleasantly blending the worlds of classical style sculpture art and nature.  It became known to me early on that Polasek was a devoted man of God.  When I entered the museum, one of the first things I noticed was a mosaic floor pattern meant to resemble stained glass.  The theme then continued in his sculptures and even in relief sculptures along a garden wall.  These in particular were notably reminders of “The Human Spirit”. 
Many of the artist’s sculptures are made of bronze, which weathers well in my opinion.  Of these, “SVANTOVIT”, (1933) a brute Viking on his distinguished horse, was my favorite.  Others, like “King Under the Sea”, is made entirely of concrete.  Depicting a giant half man, half sea creature, this fountain piece is an intricate part of the Museum’s koi pond.  Agile for his size, the massive figure gently cradles two fish who playfully emit a steady bath of water onto the koi below.  Appropriately, “Man Carving His Own Destiny”, is made of limestone.  George, a volunteer at the Polasek Museum tells me that this was the artist’s lifework.  The use of limestone radiates to me.  From the Pyramids at Giza, to Polasek’s life work, limestone is typically used when the artist or creator wants to convey great importance and permanence.

Although the artist Albin Polasek is no longer gracing Winter Park’s artists’ community with his talented hands and mind, his legacy lives on today.  Through his art, he continues to help shape a community he once called home.  The staff and volunteers at The Polasek Museum have done a magnificent job of keeping up the national historic site.  It is truly a celebration of the human spirit.

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The Library of Ancient Alexandria

The Library of Ancient Alexandria
by Spencer B. Johnston
“The first true research institute in the history of the world.” –Carl Sagan
The Library of Alexandria was the apex of intellect during the time of its use in Ancient Hellenistic Egypt.  Built by Ptolemy I Soter in 307 B.C.E., the library was an addition that helped to solidify the advancement of knowledge and education set forth by Alexander the Great.  Alexander knew that the basis for greatness was deeply embedded in education.  In fact, his “personal tutor was Aristotle, one of the most influential philosophers in all of Western thought” (Pollard, 2006).  The will of Alexander the Great came to great fruition in “what was to become [a] great ‘megalopolis’ of the Hellenistic world” (Empereur, 1998).  The achievements of the library’s scholars and patrons are widely considered to be invaluable and are as important today as they were revolutionary in their time of novelty.

Although the Library of Alexandria was not the first library or collection of scrolls in known history, it has become known among much of the academic world as the “most famous of the ancient collections of scrolls” (World Book).  Home to over 700,000 writings, the library was a bustling place for people who had a desire to learn, study, write, and perhaps above all- read.  As one would have guessed, the books we know and love today are made in a much different fashion than the scrolls used in Alexandria.  The papyrus reed, which was plentiful along the basin of the Nile in Lower Egypt, was very important to the Greco-Egyptian library’s success.  A precursor to the modern use of paper, it is known that the word paper itself is derived from Papyri (Van Minnen, 1995). The papyrus scrolls made storing, transporting and ultimately reading much easier compared to clay tablets used in other regions.  This method of writing was eventually made standard and spread to the rest of the Hellenistic world as well.  Ultimately, the papyrus scroll later evolved into what we know as the modern bound book.

The library’s main function of inducing literacy upon its population seemed to be working quite well.  Up to this point in Greek history, much of its traditions and knowledge had been passed down or taught through speech.  The ability to write and read, allowed one to learn alone, or perhaps more importantly to reference information.  Writing on scrolls also lent to the (somewhat) permanence of information, which in turn fueled, the ultimate:  The spreading of information and thus, knowledge.
An important aspect of the Library of Alexandria is its ability to function as a museum.  Today, we tend to think of a museum as a place to quietly observe precious and valuable art of one form or another.  However, during the time of the library, the term museum was given to a space that would act as a “muse” (University College London, 2003) for scholars, inventors and engineers.  It was the hope of Ptolemy I Soter that the library’s museum would grant the ideal environment for Alexandria’s greatest minds.  His goal was beginning to become a reality when he finished the museum “in 307 BC” (Scaruffi, 1999).  At this crucial point, much of what was left to accomplish was left to the flourishing community of scholars of Alexandria.
The support given by the statesmen and rulers of Alexandria to the academic arena was certainly at its height following the completion of the library’s museum.  In spite of Alexander the Great’s untimely death in 323 BC (Vrettos, 2001), his grand vision of all that Alexandria could aspire to be was coming to fruition.  Ptolemy I Soter continued to expand “incentives” and “royal support for intellectuals…to provide an endowment” (Watts, 2006) for the growing institution.
Because proper measures had been taken to ensure the patron ship of the library and museum of Alexandria, scholars and researchers took to the great facility like moths to a flame.  This ensured the unique cerebral communal experience that Hellenistic Alexandria experienced.  Many accomplishments by the intellectual and scholarly spheres had been largely limited to isolated events, individuals and times.  In spite of the fact that a large number of great minds, artisans, and creators had indeed preceded the library, they had done so in stride alongside other achievements that demanded as much if not more emphasis, in terms of importance to the majority of their respective populous.  It makes sense that this esteem took time to develop in the ancient world.  A significant part of everyday life was devoted to labor and trade that ensured basic needs being met.  For many, these were the driving forces for which they were compelled to see through.  Similar to woes of people in the world today, the arduous nature of meeting one’s basic needs can be a hindrance to potential intellectual contributions.  Putting it simply, the endowment for scholarship at the Library of Alexandria enabled multi-disciplined researchers and students to devote all of their being to their studies.  Although it would not be firmly footed in the intellectual world until the mid-1940s, it seemed as though Ptolemy Soter I and other important leaders of Alexandria were familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  According to Maslow’s theory, once an individual or society’s basic needs have been met, such as food, water and shelter, we’re then able to strive towards less immediate and more cerebral goals, like those of the researchers at Alexandria.  By assisting the researchers, Ptolemy and others were meeting their basic needs, thus enabling them to realize their true potential.
Although the works of individual scholars at the library of Alexandria were often quite staggering, in terms of importance to the liberal arts movement to precede them, it was the shift of communal focus that was perhaps the most important contribution made during the time.  One would come to this conclusion because furthering the spread of knowledge and practice was extremely evident in the library’s successes.  The most honest value of the practices of the scholars of Alexandria was not to be realized for some time.  Academic glory is sadly, but arguably necessarily delayed, given the rigors of intellectual proving grounds traveled by theories, ideas and studies.  Pillars of modern education are founded in part by the fruits of their labor.
The scholars of the Library of Alexandria include Euclid-the founder of geometric studies, Eratosthenes-who created modern geography, Herophilus-who studied anatomical medicine, Archimedes-engineer and astronomer, Heron-an engineer and inventor, and finally, Callimachas-“introduced…a library classification system” (Pollard, 2006).  As mentioned before, the large number of scholars who studied and researched at the library is difficult to negotiate.  While, many more are well-known for their contributions to similar disciplines, the names and given areas of expertise offered here perhaps outweigh that of their peers.
Euclid “belonged to the persuasion of and was at home in this philosophy” (Cuomo, 2000).  His masterpiece was titled The Elements, a work that’s usefulness in the discipline of math has sustained for nearly 2500 years.  Euclid’s writings on geometry are not only pertinent in high schools around the world.  In fact, its principles are devout in one of the most important frontiers of our time, harvesting solar energy. ”Geometry is used in surveying and in positioning solar arrays to capture the most sunlight at a given location” (London, 2011).  Ironically, solar cells have also helped to propel math classrooms forward as well.  A great number of calculators utilize the cells, which can augment battery life, or in most cases omits the need for batteries altogether.
Eratosthenes was another mathematical figure of great significance in Alexandria.  He is widely considered “an expert in mathematics and astronomy” (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2003), which ultimately resulted in the culmination of his life’s biggest accomplishment:  the measurement of the circumference of the earth.  Like Euclid, Eratosthenes’ proficiencies in mathematics led to the study of geography.  He has been credited as the first person to use the word geography.  It’s been written that he “relied…on the immense resources available in the Library at Alexandria.” (Wilson, 2006).  Thankfully for future generations of explorers, surveyors, teachers, students, armies, landowners, migrators and travelers, the work of Eratosthenes has been implemented all over the world.  Ultimately, his work has been a breakthrough that continues to aid sectors of multiple disciplines.
Herophilus was a researcher and master teacher of human anatomy, biology and medicine.  Similar to the way we test hypotheses and theories in science today, “The Herophilean school…always remained open to changes in emphasis, to doctrinal shifts, and to radical revisions” (Von Staden, 1989).  One is inclined to believe this demeanor of Herophilus and his school, as this is professional and purely academic approach is likely indicative of his acute intelligence.  He took a great number of cues from his predecessor, Hippocrates, who is regarded as “the father of medicine” (Advameg Inc., 2011).  Today, we owe much of our practical knowledge of medicine and anatomy to the Herophilean School.
Heron, or Hero, as he has become known, was a brilliant inventor.  His life’s work was made up of many very important feats of engineering.  For religious ceremonies and offerings, Heron was commissioned to design the world’s first automatic doors, prophetic automata, and wealth-acquiring, coin-operated machines.  Above all others was “his most famous invention, the aeolipile, the first steam-powered engine” (Britannica Educational Publishing, 2010).  Unfortunately, the potential of the steam engine wasn’t realized until well into the modern industrial revolution.  This has left many scholars puzzled, but still very much in awe of Heron.  One is left to wonder what could have been if Heron had been aware of his steam-powered engine’s capabilities.
Archimedes is one of the most famous figures of the ancient world.  As a student in Alexandria, he studied mathematics, astronomy and engineering.
Archimedes has been credited as coining the phrase, “Eureka!” during a moment of epiphany while working.  Perhaps his most famous feat of engineering was a giant water-lifting device that became known as “the Archimedes screw”.  This device was “used to lift water to higher levels” (Kenyon College), which ultimately aided the development of civil engineering to reach new heights in itself.  Communities and civilizations would look continuously to advancements similar to this to improve their quality of lives indefinitely.  In fact, the Archimedes screw is still used in parts of the modern world.  It remains “a preferred way to irrigate agricultural fields without electrical pumps.” (Business of Patents, 2008-2011).
Callimachus was a poet and another “man of great learning” (Vrettos, 2001).  His literary works are the subject of sustaining study and criticism, contributing greatly to the discipline of language arts.  His poetry has been described as “marvelous and prophetic” (Vrettos, 2001).  After establishing a renowned reputation for writing, Callimachus began gathering steam in another scholarly discipline while at the Library of Alexandria; the art of library science.  The organizational skills he developed in the library became a significant addition to the functionality of the facility itself.  Soon, the work of Callimachus’ new found calling resulted in his being named “the father of library science” (Almond, 2004).
The Library of Alexandria was a source of great intellectual achievement and substance.  Without its prolific existence, the accomplishments of the western world would be significantly different and frankly, less colorful.  The cultural tone set by Alexander the Great was one that hailed education, often above all else.  The endowment set forth by his predecessors to the library and its institutions has sustained a domino-effect of important human achievements that remains even today.  The lessons we study in today’s classrooms often led us down a path that ends on the steps of the Library of Alexandria.

Works Cited

Advameg Inc. (2011). Hippocrates. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from Medical Discoveries:
“Alexandrian Library”. World Book Online InfoFinder. World Book, 2011. Web. 15 July 2011.
Almond, B. (2004, June 30). Fondren’s Henry explores challenges for new Library of Alexandria . Retrieved July 22, 2011, from Rice University News:
Britannica Educational Publishing. (2010). The 100 Most Influential Inventors of All Time. New York: Britannica Educational Publishing.
Business of Patents. (2008-2011). Archimedes Inventions. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from Business of Patents:
Channel, T. H. (Director). (2007). Ancient Discoveries: The Library of Alexandria [Motion Picture].
Cuomo, S. (2000). Pappus of Alexandria and the Mathematics of Late Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Empereur, J.-Y. (1998). Alexandria Rediscovered. New York: George Braziller Publishing.
Kenyon College. (n.d.). Archimedes Screw. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from Kenyon College, Physics Department:
London, J. (2011, May 26). Interesting Facts About Euclidean Geometry. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from eHow Family:
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review Magazine Issue 50, pp. 370-396.
PBS (Director). (1980). Cosmos Episode 1: The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean [Motion Picture].
Pollard, J. (2006). The Rise and Fall of Alexandria, Birthplace of the Modern Mind. New York: Viking Penguin Publishing.
Scaruffi, P. (1999). A Time-Line of the Ancient Egyptians. Retrieved July 2011, from
University College London. (2003). Hellenistic Egypt: The Alexandria Museum. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from University College London:
University of Nevada, Las Vegas. (2003). Eratosthenes, The Philosopher. Retrieved July 2011, from UNLV Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering:
Van Minnen, P. (1995, December 8). Writing in Egypt Under Greek and  Roman Rule. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from
Von Staden, H. (1989). Herophilus: The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vrettos, T. (2001). Alexandria: City of the Western Mind. New York: Free Press Publishing.
Watts, E. J. (2006). City and School in Late Antique Athens and Alexandria. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from University of California Press:
Wilson, N. G. (2006). Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece. London: Taylor & Francis Group.

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Good Morning America Perpetuates Racial Segregation

Good morning, global community!

In today’s day and age, it’s important for my fellow Americans to understand that without casting aside racial segregation and stereotypes in the media, little can be expected of the general public in this way. Regardless of what it says about the American public, it stands that a considerable amount of our perception stems from the information we’re given from the media. The powerhouses of morning media in America absolutely dominate our A.M. thinking, opinions and conversations around the water cooler. In many of our homes and workplaces, these programs enjoy constant attention from their audiences, eager to absorb the pertinence of the day’s issues.

I have been watching Good Morning America for the last year or so and have noticed that an inordinate amount of interviews are conducted based upon one’s racial makeup. Don’t believe me? Watch. I can’t tell you the last time I saw an African-American interviewed by someone who WASN’T Robin Roberts. Don’t get me wrong, the well-accomplished reporter and interviewer DOES interview those who are not African-American as well. But, it is as if Good Morning America deems it necessary to assign her to nearly every African-American interviewee.

I cannot begin to tell you the extent of the societal implications that this behavior to which this has lead. This particular case is more subliminal than most, in that it’s not the actual content that is racist. In this case, it is the organization of the content. I’m very disappointed in GMA for their nearsightedness on this ignorant programming.

I’m switching to the Today Show, that Matt Lauer is really something.

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The Eyjafjallajökull Volcano of Iceland and the Threat it Poses to Transcontinental Air Travel

The Eyjafjallajökull Volcano of Iceland erupted in April of 2010. Following the massive eruption, much of the small island country was in darkness, due to the overwhelming amount of ash in the atmosphere. Iceland is perhaps not regularly at the forefront of our minds, but it’s geographic position puts it s airspace directly in the center of transcontinental air travel between North America and Europe. This, of course spelled big trouble on the week of April 14th, 2010. The relatively obscure (to Americans) Eyjafjallajökull chain of glacial mountains lies across the highly active tectonic meeting place of the North American plate and the European plate. Looking at a tectonic plate map, one can see the unique position that the region is in. Although Iceland is not alone in its tectonically active global arena, it is affected perhaps with more significance than most, in that their island country is nearly split in two by the two tectonic plates. Recent studies have sought to shed light on the importance of the region’s volcanic activity. Located at 63°37’47.68”N, 19°37’12.73”W, the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano commanded center stage when its ash cloud stymied air traffic at 20 of the world’s most bustling airports for several days. The economic impact of shutting these 20 airports was incredibly significant. The tally was figured at some $200-$250 million per day for the airlines themselves alone. This is not to mention the incalculable amounts lost by the business men and women and other individuals whose flights and other matters were impacted by the massive ash cloud. Researchers have employed a wide range of methods concerning the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano’s impact on transcontinental travel. Using charts referred to as “shortest-path trees”, scientists are able to definitively identify paths that aircrafts take with great precision. The shortest-path trees help us to understand the impact that this particular volcano had without actually having to obtain actual accounts and documentation that could be tedious and time consuming to the scientists who work so tirelessly in the name of peace within the marriage of our natural environment and human activity. Also of great importance is the fact that these shortest-path trees instantly provide airports and members of the public with alternate routes of transit, which greatly helps to transcend the “problem” of the volcanic activity. Ultimately, Volcanoes such as the Eyjafjallajokull pose a threat to humans’ way of life. However, it is important to remember that the volcano is essentially the lifesource of the island of Iceland to begin with. Without volcanic eruptions, our land would likely be significantly smaller and slow coming. Therefore, it is imperative to our understanding of the natural world we inhabit to be humbled by the immense activities happening just under our feet. Volcanoes like the Eyjafjallajokull of Iceland are constant reminders that the planet isn’t here for our exploitative means, but rather for her own, naturally occurring agenda, to which we will ultimately yield to when she makes such demands.


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Mango Shake Recipe

This awesome Mango Shake recipe was taken from Bal Arneson’s television series, “The Spice Goddess,” on Cooking Channel. I chose to post it here A) because it’s delightful and B) because when I looked for it on the Cooking Channel’s website (which is where she told us we could find it on episode #7), it was replaced by a crappy imitation that to me, seems inedible.

You’ll need:

2 cups of cubed, peeled mangos
1 1/2 cups of ice cubes
1 cup of plain yogurt
2 tablespoons of sugar
1/4 teaspoon star anise powder
1/4 teaspoon of mint or mint powder


Blend well in blender and serve.

Originally formulated by Bal Arneson, host of Cooking Channel TV’s “The Spice Goddess,” a program that highlights the best foods and flavors of India.

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