President Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy was basically devised to discredit and take away recognition from states (nations) who expressed conflictual arguments with the United States.  By the United States’ “good will” and “morality”, these “missionary”-esque tasks were supposedly in order of improving the lots of developing nations.  Although not limited to Latin American countries by any means, the reaches of Missionary Diplomacy engulfed this part of the world.  Because of its geographic relationship to North America, Wilson and the United States actively sought a positive relationship, albeit an at times paternal one.

In Mexico, Wilson sought to set things right concerning a revolutionario named Juan O’ Gorman, who was made leader by his people and was then murdered.  His murderer, Victoriano Huerta, was actually one of his top officials.  Huerta seized power and refused to step down as requested by the United States.  During this time, the Zimmerman Telegram was discovered, which told of Germany’s plans to convince Mexico to attack the United States to recover “lost lands” in New Mexico, Texas and elsewhere.  Wilson’s response to this was to get involved militarily.  After killing many, the army returned and Wilson endorsed his next leader of Mexico: Pancho Villa.  Pancho turned out to be just as crazy as Huerta, if not more so!  Long story short:  Wilson had to give up without the wild Villa in his possession.


Filed under American History

2 responses to “President Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy

  1. please feel free to share, like or press this article. i’m proud of it.

  2. Kyra


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